To obtain report credit, choose a journal article that interests you from the approved list, and write a summary of the research it describes. Each 350-word summary of a journal article receives one (1) report credit, equal to 0.5% of extra credit.
Research articles are generally organized into Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion sections, so you can follow this overall structure in your report, using the following questions as a guideline. Your report does not have to answer all of these questions to receive credit.
What previous research had been done in the area that the researchers were studying?
What did the researchers expect to find in their own study?
What procedures were used in the study (or studies) conducted by the researchers?
Who were the research participants, and where did they come from?
What variables were being manipulated and/or measured by the researchers?
What were the major results or findings of the study?
What were the main conclusions made by the researchers, based on their findings?
What did you find interesting or problematic about the research or its findings?