Pick an artist or selection of artwork(s) of your choice from any museum collection. You can choose any print (lithography, etching, woodblock), painting (oil, watercolor), or drawing (crayon, charcoal, pencil) created between 1800-1970. You can include work by a European or American artist (or both).
Your presentation should provide careful visual analysis, comparison, and detailed descriptions of your artwork and evidence of research that situates it within its cultural and historical context (meaning what is the social, political, cultural, economic, and environmental situations.). Every presentation should include a detailed biographic understanding of the artist(s). You will need to conduct research into the history of your artwork(s) and where it came from. The books and references listed below each lesson is a good place to start your research (all weekly reading will be uploaded). Your research should include scholarly journal articles, photographs (if necessary), museum catalogues, and academic books. *Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica citations will not be accepted. At All.* Please supply a bibliography to provide evidence of your research, and these should be formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html (Links to an external site.)