Think about this semester — lessons from the classroom, works you have read, teams that you have worked on, guest speakers you have interviewed, etc. Please present your last lecture as a potential book — what are the key lessons that you have learned in our class and would like to pass on as a legacy. Please construct 4 pages of your book as follows. Do not go beyond four pages:
a. Title page – Present an illustrated front page of your book. Include the title of your book and your name as author. Be creative in your presentation!
b. Second and third pages – a summary of the seven key entrepreneurial leadership lessons you would like to share. Please cite at least one different entrepreneur for each lesson. Now, integrate these entrepreneurial lessons with specific examples how you apply them (now or in the past) to designing your own life journey.
c. Fourth page – Please paste a copy of your notification that you have completed the course evaluation.
Please single space in Arial or Calibri font size 12 and skip a line between paragraphs. Do not indent paragraphs (similar format to this syllabus). The final is due in PDF format in Dropbox on Oaks on the date specified in the College final exam calendar (as this is written, that is December 10, but given circumstances, the date may be changed by the Registrar’s Office. Books will be graded on being professional, innovative, engaging the audience, and having a meaningful impact.