Art history

I need the picture of art work on paper as well
Choose a work of Western art dated before 1400 CE. EXCLUDING ARCHITECTURE.
Be sure that the image you choose illustrates the entire work and not merely a detail. Topics I would suggest are wall paintings, frescoes, panel painting, manuscript illumination, mosaics, icons or relief sculpture. If you choose sculpture in the round make sure that you have more than one view of it. Do not choose a work illustrated in your textbook. Please show the instructor an image of the work you chose before you start working on it. Include a color reproduction of the work with your paper. Cite the source of the image, giving the author, title of the book, publisher, date and page number. In your paper always either underline or italicize the title of the work of art.
In this paper you are asked to look carefully at the work and to describe it in your own words and to Formally Analyze the work. To convey to the reader it’s appearance and the nature of the works specific elements and themes.
Some of the questions you should answer are:
1) What kind of work is it ? (mosaic, fresco, panel painting etc)how does the material from which it is made effect the form or appearance of the work ?
2) What is the specific nature of the figures or scene depicted ?
3) Where are the figures or elements of the scene placed ? Where does the viewer’s
eye go first and how does the artist direct your eye around the work.
4) What is the relationship between the figures ?
5) What is the mood of the figures ? Their thoughts ?
6) What is the general compositional structure ? How are the elements arranged ?
7) What is the nature of the colors ? Warm, cool, soft, harsh etc.
8) Has the artist tried to convey the illusion of light ?
9) What are the textures, if any, depicted ?
10) How is space suggested ? What, if any, are the devices used to create the illusion
of space ?
11) What can be said about line ? Is it emphasized. How would you describe it ?
12) What is your response to the work.
This is not a complete list. Other questions should occur to you. Remember that it is often by asking the simplest of questions that your understanding of a work of art is deepened.
LENGTH: 3 to 4 typewritten pages, double spaced. Longer papers are
discouraged. The point is to say what needs to be said.

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Art history
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