Assessment Setting
You are working for the strategic planning department of a shipping management company of cruise ships (choose a company from the listed companies in any stock exchange).
You have been asked by the top management to provide ananalysis of 4000 –5000 words for the Company.
The Management is interested in the external forces that may affect the operational and financial standing of the company due toCovid19The BoD is not in uniformity as to the potential impact and/or effects on the Company of the topics already identified and should be provided with analysis that will facilitate decision making for investment or disinvestment as well as market developments. Thus, the Management is keen to see specific and tangible recommendations as to the future focus of investment/disinvestmentdecisions and impact on revenues and costs for the particular fleet that the Company has under operation. Therefore particular care should be undertaken to provide tangible options and clear suggestions.
For the case study the suggested structure is presented below:
Proposed structure of the case study:
• Introductory data such as the company’s profile: Fleet, types of vessels, types of markets served, competitive advantage)
• External Macro-Environmental factors (PEST Analysis)
• Situation Analysis (SWOT analysis)
• Financial and/or operationalevaluation of parameters identified as critical.
• Recommendations and suggestions as to the implementation of the proposed options with financial impact.
• List of References in the Appendix in Harvard Format Special Instructions.
• In case a student fails to pass the assignment, in the resit period should choose another company and follow the exact same steps outlined in this document for the main sheet.
• Maximum number of students per group: 3
• Students will be assessed as a group and they have to submit a form with their individual contribution on the report (see below)
• Details for the assignment format:
• Any Cover Page. Only the Plymouth University Student IDs must be noted, in terms of your personal data.
• Table of Contents (followed by a Table of Figures and a Table of Tables, if applicable).
• Times New Roman font
• Size 12 for Normal Text
• Size 14 for Headings
• Harvard Style for your citations. Please refer to: for details
• Any written material which does not fulfill above criteria will be rejected in assignment marking process.
• Submission Details: Your coursework must be save in a document file (NOT a pdf format). • Submit to Turnitin within ilearn.
Feedback will be provided to all students in a constructive, timely and meaningful way. The modes of feedback include:
• Class discussion of the assignment in progress.
• Individual consultations via comments on a first draft of the assignment and finally,
• Comments on the submitted assignment.
These forms of feedback ensure that you as a student have an understanding, of the assessment criteria. Furthermore, you will be able to realise how your learning can benefit from reflecting and acting upon class and individual feedback given.
The work submitted must be your own work. The use of any other person’s work without appropriate referencing constitutes plagiarism and is an assessment offence. Plymouth University regards plagiarism as a serious academic offence and deals with it accordingly.
Marking Scheme:
Α (80-100%):
Demonstrate an outstanding understanding of the topic area. Excellent design and structure of the case study (as suggested above). Excellent analysis of the strategies and its tactics. The written assignment has the appropriate format and appearance and include only what is necessary. The team members present a clear, consistent and logical argument, producing critical recommendations where appropriate; which are extremely well quantified, exemplified and discussed. There are no language errors. The written assignment is well written in the appropriate format according to the instructions and conforms to the referencing standards specified within Cite them Right. All the applicable theory which was used referred properly.
A (70-80%):
Demonstrate a very good understanding of the topic area. Very good design and structure of the case study (as suggested above). Very good analysis of the strategies and its tactics. The written assignment has the appropriate format and appearance and include only what is necessary. The team members present a clear, consistent and logical argument, producing critical recommendations where appropriate; with very quantification, exemplification and justification. There are no language errors. The written assignment is well written in the appropriate format according to the instructions and conforms to the referencing standards specified within Cite them Right. All the applicable theory which was used referred properly.
Β (60-69%):
Demonstrate a fairly good understanding of the topic area. Good design and structure of the written assignment (as suggested above). Fairly good analysis of the strategies and its tactics. The cases study have fairly good format and appearance and include only what is necessary. The team members present an identifiable argument, with some evidence of theoretical recommendations where appropriate; with some good quantification, exemplification and justification. There are minor language errors. The written material is fairly good written in the appropriate format according to the instructions and mainly conform to the standards specified within Cite them Right. All the applicable theory which was used referred quite good.
C (50-59%):
Demonstrate a mainly good understanding of that area. good design and clear structure but with some omissions. Have some good analysis and synthesis of the case study. The written material has fairly good format and appearance but include some unnecessary details. The team members present an identifiable argument, with some evidence of theoretical recommendations where appropriate; with some good quantification, exemplification and justification. There are some language errors. The team did not cooperate that effectively for the written assignment. The written material is fairly good written but do not conform to the standards specified within Cite them Right. All the applicable theory which was used referred well with mistakes.
D (40-49%):
Demonstrate a very limited understanding of that area, with serious errors and/or omissions and/ or irrelevant material there are a lot of errors and omissions in the design and structure of the case study; the analysis of the topic and its parameters is satisfactory despite vagueness and errors; As regards teamwork, there are some errors in the coordination of the team but the members seem to have cooperated to some extent.
F (0-39%):
Demonstrate a poor understanding of that area, with very serious errors and/or omissions and/ or irrelevant material there are a lot of errors and omissions in the design and structure of the case study; the analysis of the topic and its parameters is poor; As regards teamwork, there are important errors in the coordination of the team.
As a first reference
Gössling, S., Scott, D., & Hall, C. M. (2020). Pandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-20.
Nakazawa, E., Ino, H., &Akabayashi, A. (2020). Chronology of COVID-19 cases on the Diamond Princess cruise ship and ethical considerations: a report from Japan. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-8.
Fernandes, N. (2020). Economic effects of coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) on the world economy. Available at SSRN 3557504. 2020. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 22 July 2020].
PwC. 2020. Shipping Industry Responding To COVID-19 – Keeping The Lights On With A Response Strategy Plan. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 22 July 2020].
Academic Department
Shipping, Transport and Logistics Department
Programme: BSc Shipping
Module Title/Code: Strategic Shipping Management / GBCA348
1st marker: Dr. Thanasis Karlis
Assessment Type: Group written assignment
Assessment Weighting: 70%
Academic Year: 2017-2018
Teaching Semester: Autumn
Student ID:
Evaluation Form
Comments Final Mark
Clear objectives and integration of assignment concepts 30%
Critical thinking and analysis 30%
Logic and justification of the presented views 20%
Structure and layout of the written assignment 10%
References, range of sources 10%
Shipping, Transport and Logistics Department
Programme BSc Shipping
Module Title / Code Strategic Shipping Management / GBCA348
Group Participation Official Statement
The members of the set group declare as we have all equally participated in the effective and efficient process of completing and submitting the set group assignment.
Group members: Members Signature
1. ………………………….. …………………….
2. …………………………… …………………….
3. …………………………… ……………………..
Group Members Participation Members Signature
1. ……………………………. 2. ……………………
3. ……………………
4. ……………………
2. ……………………………… 1. ……………………..
3. ……………………..
4. ……………………..
3. ………………………………. 1. ………………………
2. ………………………
4. ………………………
Date: ………………………………
PS: Students are informed that, they need to sign the participation statement not only to support their own contribution but declare and justify the equal participation of all members of the group. In addition students are informed that if there is no signature for a member, then as a result the specific group member will NOT receive a group mark!
Clear objectives and integration of assignment concepts 30%
Critical thinking and analysis 30%
Logic and justification of presented views 20%
Structure and layout of the written assignment 10%
References, range of sources 10%