My class is The Teaching Profession—Birth to Grade 6
Research Project. Chose an issue, topic, or theme related to this course and write a research report with appropriate documentation and current bibliography. Report should make connections to material covered in this course (e.g., vocation, teaching styles, hidden curriculum, recruitment and retention, teacher preparation, mentoring and support, teacher quality and effectiveness, class size, etc.). Identify and describe what the research and body of professional literature says about issues related to the teaching profession. Include your own personal thoughts about the topic. Cite at least six-to-eight references
Topic clearly identified. Relevant research cited. Strong connections made to course content. Personal perspective strongly articulated. Accurate bibliography. Ideas are clearly and logically conveyed.
Research Project Due
REFLECTION Identify types of diversity within the school and classroom and describe instructional and management practices that support it.
please let me know if you have any question and Thank you so much.