Brown vs. Board of Education Case Analysis Paper

Brown vs. Board of Education Case Analysis Paper

There is a final paper requirement in this course, which you will satisfy by performing the case analysis assignment explained below.

I set forth the assignment below:

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Brown vs. Board of Education Case Analysis Paper
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One very important part of Chapter 1 is the discussion of stare decisis and precedent, particularly in the context of some historic constitutional law case decisions.  I have attached a copy of the United States Supreme Court’s groundbreaking decision in Brown v. Bd. of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).  Please read this decision and, in two to three pages: (1) summarize the finding of the Court and (2) explain both how stare decisis was applied and was not applied by the Court in its decision.

Please note that the linked/attached opinion was written by Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren at a time when the use of some language that is now considered offensive and racist was deemed acceptable by some.  I just want you to note that I did not write the attached/linked opinion, nor do I condone the use of such terminology, it is the language of Chief Justice Warren of the Supreme Court in 1954.

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