Business Statistics

Business Statistics

For these project assignments throughout the course you will need to reference the data in the ROI Excel spreadsheet.

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Business Statistics
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In this data set – the ROI data set – for 2 different majors (Business and Engineering), you are given a sample of the 20 best colleges according to ROI (ROI = Return on Investment) and their ‘School Type’, ‘Cost’, ’30-Year ROI’, and ‘Annual % ROI’.

  • For each of the 2 majors create a pie chart using the column ‘School Type’. Comment on your results.
  • For each of the 2 majors create a frequency distribution and histogram using the column ‘Annual % ROI’. Group with starting at 6% (0.06), ending at 11% (0.11), and go by 0.5% (0.005).

For the histograms title your charts “Histogram Business Major: Annual % ROI” for Business majors and “Histogram Engineering Major: Annual % ROI” for Engineering Majors. Comment on your results.

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