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Module 5
1. Explain the importance and characteristics of interaction from a rational choice theory, ethnomethodological, and dramaturgical perspective. Make sure to include the key assumptions of each theory. You should also detail the motivation of interpersonal interaction from each of the three perspectives. You need to also integrate at least one critique of each theory in your discussion.
2. Using either yourself or someone you know as an example, describe a status set of an individual using at least five statuses. Which of these statuses are ascribed and which are achieved? Does this individual have a master status? Describe some corresponding roles for each of the statuses. Where might this individual experience role strain? What about role conflict?
3. Discuss at least four problems in bureaucracies that were presented in the text. How would you address these problems? What would the ideal organizational structure for macro-groups look like for macro-level groups in the United States?
Module 6
1. Compare and contrast three different theories of deviant behavior. Which do you believe is most accurate and why?
2. Though many people share the goal of home ownership, it is not possible for everyone to earn enough money to purchase a home of their own. Explain how this problem applies to Merton’s strain theory. Make sure to cover all five possible ways to adapt to the strain (conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion).
Module 7
1. What are the three key arguments of the Davis and Moore thesis of social stratification? What is one social position in society that supports their argument? What is one social position in a society that refutes their argument?
2. Compare and contrast the structural-functional and conflict views of social stratification. Make sure to detail the key assumptions from each theory in your answer. Finally, show how Evolutionary Theory draws from both Structural Functionalism and Conflict Theory in its understanding of social stratification. Which theory do you find most accurate and why?
3. Highlight at least three ways that social class can affect an individual’s life chances and lifestyle at the micro-level, three ways at the meso-level, and three ways at the macro-level of interaction. In your opinion, at which of these levels is the impact of social class the most damaging to an individual? Explain.
4. Compare and contrast the three major stratification systems detailed in your book. In your answer, make sure to detail the opportunity for mobility in each of the systems. Also discuss how each of these three systems are maintained by the society.
Module 8
1. Discuss the five factors that characterize minority groups and their relations with dominant groups in society. Provide examples.
2. Describe how prejudice and discrimination operates at the micro and macro-level. In your answer, you should define different types of micro and macro-level prejudice and discrimination. You should also compare and contrast how micro- and macro-level discrimination affects the life chances of minority group members. Make sure to include real-life examples in your answer.
3. Compare and contrast the functions and dysfunctions of having minority and dominant groups in society. Make sure to include the key assumptions of the structural-functionalists and conflict theorists in regards to race relations in your answer. You must also include a discussion of the labor market in your answer.
Module 9
1. Explain sex, gender, and sexuality. Then, compare and contrast homophobia and heterosexism. Provide detailed examples.
2. Compare and contrast side-effect and past-in-present discrimination. How are the social institutions of religion and work related in a way that may result in side-effect discrimination?
3. What is meant by the statement in your text, “work itself is gendered”? Explain some of the social forces that hurt or help men with promotions. Explain some of the social forces that hurt or help women with promotions.
4. What is institutionalized gender discrimination? Provide two examples. How is institutionalized gender discrimination related to heterosexism?
5. On average, men earn more money than women do for performing the same job with the same level of education and experience. Explain this phenomenon from the three main different sociological perspectives (symbolic interactionist, structural-functionalist, and conflict).