Career Goal Essay (Human Resource Manager)

This assignment is for my College Success Class. The essay would need to reflect my Career Goal Building attachment. The essay must include 5 paraphrases in this order Introduction, Research, Reasoning, Results and Conclusion. The way this essay will be graded is as follows.

PARAGRAPH 1 (Explanation of Issues): Student states their personal, specific career goal and ends paragraph with a clear thesis statement.

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Career Goal Essay (Human Resource Manager)
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PARAGRAPH 2 (Evidence): Selecting and using information to investigate a point of view or conclusion. Student discusses research process and cites specific results of research.

PARAGRAPH 3 (Influence of Context and Assumptions) Student analyzes personal factors related to career choice and challenges any assumptions about career.

PARAGRAPH 4 (Student’s Position): Student provides comprehensive plan for achieving career goal, including academic and financial requirements, and a timeline.

PARAGRAPH 5 (Conclusion): Student follows all formatting guidelines listed in assignment description.
(MLA Format/Word Count)

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