Rubric for Cause and Effect Essay
A well-organized, interesting paper that remains on topic as stated in the thesis statement
MLA heading (top left) and pagination (top right of each page)
An underlined thesis statement that indicates the cause & effect and three specific supports for that relationship
Paper relatively free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors
Works Cited page with a minimum of five sources which are also parenthetically cited in the body of the paper, with entries in alphabetical order and hanging paragraphs
Concluding paragraph of 3-5 sentences, with no use of first person which summarizes the main points of the paper and restates the thesis using different words
Word count – 1,000 word minimum
1,000 words, entirely double-spaced throughout, MLA heading in upper left of first page, MLA style page numbering = your last name and page number in the upper right corner of each page, minimum of 5 citations in the body of your paper, minimum of 5 sources on the Works Cited page in alphabetical order and using hanging paragraphs.