Challenges Associated with the Adoption of BIM in Construction

Thesis Proposal: Challenges Associated with the Adoption of BIM in Construction


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Challenges Associated with the Adoption of BIM in Construction
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Thesis Proposal: ChallengesAssociated with the Adoption of BIM in Construction

The world is shifting towards reliance on technology and innovative solutions to lifelong industrial problems. One such digital solution is Building Information Modeling (BIM), a digital solution that fosters information-centric construction project management (Criminale & Langar, 2017). Major construction projects, owing to the size of the project, the high cost involved, and other complexities, are doomed to fail unless innovative solutions are sought and implemented. In this regard, the proposed research will seek to explore the challenges surrounding the adoption of technologies such as BIM in major construction projects.

In a bid to extensively explore the challenges, benefits, and recommendations for the adoption of BIM and other digital and innovative solutions to problems encountered in designing, building, and usage phases of major construction projects, a systematic review study method will be used. A strict inclusion and exclusion criteria will be used to warrant the reliability and accuracy of the attained findings.

Although the proposed study will be reliant on secondary literature, the fact that different research findings will be considered will be instrumental in ensuring that an in-depth exploration of the study topic is undertaken. The findings of the proposed study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the adoption of technology in managing major construction projects. By implementing the recommendations presented in the proposed research, construction management risks such as delay, delivery of project deliverables that do not meet the client’s expectations, cost overruns, and challenges facing collaboration among construction players and other stakeholders will be addressed. As a result, major construction projects will be better placed to succeed.


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