Chronic Renal Disease- Anatomy

Extra Credit Essay

This essay will be worth up to a maximum of 10 points added to your second lowest test grade (the lowest test will be dropped as per the class syllabus; the Final Exam does not count as a test). It is due by 11:59 PM on Friday, December 4th.

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Chronic Renal Disease- Anatomy
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Purpose: This assignment will challenge you to look deeper into a disease of interest to you. In the process of researching this disease, you will learn more about its pathophysiology, how common it is, its survival rate, etc., as well as how it is clinically diagnosed and treated. This will also give you experience in how to write in a clear, well-organized, and professional manner.

Task: Pick one disease discussed in this course (Ch 16 – 29) to write the essay about. You will include a general description of the disease, the pathophysiology, common symptoms, treatments, and prognosis.

Grading Criteria: The specific topics to include in the essay, along with how many points they are worth and how they will be graded, can be found within the grading rubric that will be uploaded separately.

I will proofread drafts sent to me. The deadline for this is 3 days before the due date. Please EMAIL them to me either on iCollege or my GSU account. Do NOT submit drafts to the assignment folder as I will not be checking it before the due date.

Specific requirements and other information:

  • At the top of the document include your name, then on the line beneath write the name of the disease you are writing about as the title.
  • The assignment MUST be submitted to the dropbox folder on iCollege (under the Assignments tab). You must submit the file in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx format). Files submitted in other formats (such as .pages or .pdf) risk receiving none of the possible extra credit points if either turnitin or I cannot access the document.
  • Page Formatting: The work must be type-written (Microsoft Word) with page margins set to 1 inches for all sides (top, bottom, left and right), text font as arial, text size as 12, SINGLE LINE SPACED (1.0), and paragraphs are to be separated by a single line.
    • Essays do NOT include images or bullet point lists (whether true bullet points, numbered, or lettered lists).
    • No macros are to be used in the document.
    • The paper must be 2-4 full pages long (this does not include the reference section). Two pages means two entire pages of the correctly formatted text (see the grading rubric below).
  • The dropbox will have Turninit enabled on it to check for plagiarism. The paper submitted to turnitin WILL be placed in the repository at turnitin, so that it can be checked against other papers for plagiarism (past, present, and future).
    • Only upload your file, do not copy and paste the file in to turnitin. If you copy and paste your assignment in to turnitin then all formatting and tables will be removed and your submitted work will not have the correct formatting.
    • There is no specific similarity percentage cut-off for what is deemed acceptable vs not. I will review the Similarity Reports from Turninit for each essay.
  • The work must be your own. Anyone who cheats (either allows their work to be copied or copies someone else’s work) will receive a grade of zero and will risk being reported for Academic Dishonesty.
    • This includes, but is not limited to, copying from textbooks, the internet, or having someone else do the work for you. You also may not use a paper you have turned in previously, for this class or any other class.
    • Any resources used must be properly cited and the text used should be rephrased in your own words. Long quotations, even if properly cited, are not allowed.
  • As this is a formal report, the report must be correctly referenced throughout AND at the end of it within a “References” section. Failure to include proper references will result in a zero grade for the overall assignment.
    • Internet references, but not scientific research articles found on the internet, MUST include an active link to the actual page referenced (if it is not an active link then it is incorrectly referenced).
    • References MUST be placed within the text to show which sentences refer to which reference. Use (citing source, page number, paragraph number) for most sources. For scientific research articles, you should use (last name of the first author, year of publication).
      • An example of an in-text reference would be “sentence referring to the reference (Marieb, Pg. 1, Para. 1).” Or “sentence referring to the reference (Adams 2012).”
      • Alternatively, you may do a numbering system for your references, such as “sentence referring to the reference.1” or “sentence referring to the reference (1).” Then, in the Reference section, this reference would be number 1.
    • Quoted material MUST be placed within quotation marks. Keep quotations to a minimum. Using your own words is always preferable and demonstrates that you actually understand the material.
    • Invalid references are also unacceptable, whether intentional or not, and can result in a grade of zero for the assignment and/or be viewed as a form of cheating.
  • Cite your sources of information for this essay as shown below:
    • Laboratory manual or textbook, Edition, Chapter number and title, Section heading, Page numbers.
    • Scientific paper: Author names (Surname, first initial), Year – in parentheses. Title of article. Journal name – in italics, volume number – in bold, page numbers (10 – 15).
      • Example: Adams, S., Braidy, N., Bessede, A., Brew, B. J., Grant, R., Teo, C. and Guillemin, G. J. (2012) The kynurenine pathway in brain tumor pathogenesis. Cancer Res. 72, 5649-5657
    • Person interviewed, place of work, how long they have been in the occupation, date of interview.
    • Internet references: Title of site, Date site was referenced, Title of subheading within site where reference was made to, web address (as an active link that when clicked will take me directly to that site).

Grading Rubric:This is a separate document that includes the specific topics to include in the essay. Review it carefully to ensure you have covered all of the required topics!


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