Your essay will compare (what was similar) and contrast (what was different) between the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies, using for your topic focuses the various factors that affected each colony — like their founding motive (why they were started); economy (how they made money or survived economically); food situation (or lack thereof, relating to health and sickness); type of labor force used; relations with the Native Americans; and/or type of government.
* cover page (near the top: assignment title, your name, date; near the bottom: course, instructor’s name, school)
* 3 pages of typed(not including cover page), double-spaced, 12-pt. font text for the body of your essay
* body of essay to include introductory & concluding paragraphs summarizing the main points you’ll raise …
* … plus a penultimate (2nd to last) paragraph discussing which colony you’d have preferred to live in
* use past tense throughout, except for penultimate paragraph (where you say which colony you’d prefer)
* please mention in moderate detail at least 2 of the following terms from each colony (lists below).
SET #1 = VIRGINIA COLONY (around Chesapeake Bay)
the Virginia Company of London, 1606-1624
the “starving time”, 1609-1610
Bermuda, 1609+
headrights vs. indentured servitude, 1618-1690s
food crops vs. cash crops
the Virginia Massacre, 1622
Set #2 = PLYMOUTH COLONY (around Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bay)
the Established Church of England (Anglican Church), 1530+
Separatist Brethren (“Pilgrims” in Plymouth Colony, 1620+) vs. Puritans (1629+ to Massachusetts Bay Colony)
“religious freedom”
the “Mayflower Compact”, Nov. 1620
Squanto, d. 1622
Thanksgiving (1619+ in Jamestown, 1621+ in Plymouth)
— to keep in mind these 3 aspects of each term, when you study them:
* what is the context ? (background or what led to it)
* definition
* what is the significance (or after-effect) of this term, i.e., how things changed as a result of it?
Historical Analysis (12 pts.) Writing Style (8 pts.)
accuracy of historical details * clarify of thesis
understanding of historical factors * organization & flow
* grammar & spelling