Controlling Input and Output

1. Writing Observations Explicitly

The data set contains information about various discounts that Orion Star runs on its products.

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Start_ Unit_Sales_

Product_ID Date End_Date Price Discount

210100100027 01MAY2011 31MAY2011 $17.99 70%

210100100030 01AUG2011 31AUG2011 $32.99 70%

210100100033 01AUG2011 31AUG2011 $161.99 70%

210100100034 01AUG2011 31AUG2011 $187.99 70%

210100100035 01MAY2011 31MAY2011 $172.99 70%

a. Due to excellent sales, all discounts from December 2011 are repeated in July 2012. Both the December 2011 and the July 2012 discounts are called the Happy Holidays promotion.

Create a new data set named work.extended that contains all discounts for the Happy Holidays promotion.

Use a WHERE statement to read-only observations with a start date of 01Dec2011.

Create a new variable, Promotion, which has the value Happy Holidays for each observation.

Create another new variable, Season, that has a value of Winter for the December observations

Use an explicit OUTPUT statement to write the December observations.

Specify a new start date of 01Jul2012 and an end date of 31Jul2012 for the July 2012 discounts.

For the July observations, overwrite value for Season with Summer.

Use an explicit OUTPUT statement to write the July observations.

Drop the Unit_Sales_Price variable.

!Use the date constant to subset

b. Print the new data set.

Add an appropriate title

Verify the results.

Partial PROC PRINT (332 Total Observations)


ObsProduct_ID Date End_Date Discount Promotion Season

1 210200100007 01DEC2011 31DEC2011 50% Happy Holidays Winter

2 210200100007 01JUL2012 31JUL2012 50% Happy Holidays Summer

3 210200300013 01DEC2011 31DEC2011 50% Happy Holidays Winter

4 210200300013 01JUL2012 31JUL2012 50% Happy Holidays Summer

5 210200300025 01DEC2011 31DEC2011 50% Happy Holidays Winter

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