Criminal Evidence

Watch the PBS film on police reform in America “Policing the Police.”

1. Discuss the areas of police reform you would support? Explain why?

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Criminal Evidence
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Privileges have been established to protect the need for confidential communications. Respond to the following questions:

1. Discuss your awareness of attorney-client privilege, and provide examples.

1a. Explain and provide examples of when the president of the United States can successfully claim executive privilege.

Go to and find a case in which the police obtained a search warrant. If you have trouble finding a current case, go to and type the words search warrant in the search box.

In your initial post, explain the facts used to establish probable cause for the search. Did the defense challenge the warrant? If so, explain the basis for their challenge and the judge’s ruling on it.

provide a response to the following question(s).

1. What is the standard for determining if consent to search is valid? Who may consent? Explain how detailed a search is permitted?

1a. Are police allowed to search a vehicle incident to the arrest of the driver.

1b. Can road blocks be set up to check for drunk driving? Explain your answer and provide sources.


Google search “wiretap and find a criminal case in which a legal wiretap was used. Provide a brief background of the case and explain why the wiretap was use and whether useful information was obtained from the wiretap.

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