Criminal Trial Notebook

This is for my class Criminal Trial Preparation

We are working on a trial notebook. We begin with the commission of a crime and continue through the final resolution of the case. Topics will include crime scene investigation, police investigative practices, the determination of charges, bail, plea-bargaining, motion practice, witness preparation, suppression hearings, the trial itself and sentencing.

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Criminal Trial Notebook
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The professor provides us a series of assignments and we have to do each assignment to include in the trial notebook. I have the first five assignments each on a different topic and need it done. I will attach all five assignments below. Each assignment have direction of what it is asking.

For each assignment the answer have to be one page long. Therefore, in total 5 pages. This is a continual assignment, therefore whoever I pick to do it for me, you will have to do all the other assignments when I received them in order to create the trial notebook.

Please only take on this task if you can do it.

I need the first five assignments ( 1 page each) by Thursday morning the latest and I know this is definitely last minute but please work with me.

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