Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, and Financial Institutions
Look at both positive and negative effects of the use of technology by financial institutions, as these institutions are often among the first to be affected by Cybercrime and Cybersecurity issues. Consider that bank customers may be outside the U.S. Examine the efficiency, and also the negative aspects of the use of technology by financial institutions. Consider the fact that consumers as well as businesses must be well informed about the advantages and pitfalls of conducting transactions in cyberspace. The Internet is cross-border. Therefore, Cybercrime and Internet Security issues involving financial institutions should be made known by international organizations as well as regional organizations. Consider cross-border, national, and international law, the implications of cross-border law enforcement collaborations in investigations, extraditions, etc. Consider the fact that currently laws is generally written at the national (example: Identity theft laws, contract laws, copyright infringement laws, trade secret laws, etc.) or even state level. Consider the need for international laws and enforcement.