Final Project: DNCE 161 Dance History

Research Paper& Power point Presentation


An in-depth exploration on a topic about dance to be selected by the individual and approved by the instructor.  It includes a formal research paper (not an opinion paper) and power point presentation which highlights your findings for the class (similar to your cultural project).  The paper is submitted only to the instructor not posted for peers.Topics must be posted on discussion board for approval.

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  • All work will include a paper documenting the research and/or process. A bibliography and references of all sources must be included in the body of the text as per the MLA or APA style manuals.  A minimum of 3 sources required. (Wikipedia is not considered an appropriate source)
  • Length min. 5 pages, maximum 7 plus Bibliography (no pictures in your paper). The content must be focused & thoughtfully presented. The writing must be original. Plagiarism will result in failure.
  • Students are encouraged to utilize the CWU writing center before submitting their paper. Information is available on canvas for their hours.



  • Topic Approval confirmed no later than February 4th.
  • Project Presentation due on Discussions for peer review on Friday, March 8th.
  • Final Project Paper and presentation assignment submission through Canvas due by Wednesday, March 13th using the assignment button in Module 10.
  • Discussion Board Response Posts to two peer projects due also on March 13th.



Papers must be double-spaced with one inch margins.  Type size may range from font 10-12 as the maximum.

All papers must include a bibliography including internet as well as other sources.

All papers must include references to sources in the text of the paper.

Either the APA or MLA writing styles must be utilized.

EVALUATION OF PROJECT:  Rubric available on Canvas.

Evaluation will be based on:



Power point Presentation for discussion board forum 10



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