Death and grieving has been handled in many time periods, cultures and religious belief systems. 

Death and grieving has been handled in many time periods, cultures and religious belief systems. Although only one biological body dies, there are many “role holes”(the roles that the deceased played in his/her life)  left by the death of that one person and they vary from individual to individual, time period to time period, culture to culture and religion to religion.  Discuss this in the context of a specific time period (other than the present), culture (other than your own) and religious belief system (other than your own).

You must use the assigned readings and videos to explore this topic. This means the articles in the Robben text, the additional readings in E-res and the occasional articles attached. Do not use your personal experiences in this essay. This essay should illustrate your understanding of the assigned course material. You can use different examples as you discuss a different time period, a different culture and a different religious belief system.

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Death and grieving has been handled in many time periods, cultures and religious belief systems. 
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Your essay will be graded on your analysis and discussion of these issues.  This essay should be at least 5 pages 1 inch margins and doubled spaced).

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