Digital Imagery Question 1

Digital Imagery

Question 1

The following information regarding the ten richest Americans was reported in a recent issue of Forbes.

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Digital Imagery Question 1
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Name Ranking Worth ($Billions) Age Marital Status Source
Gates, William 1 72.0 51 Married Microsoft
Buffett, Warren 2 52.0 77 Married Berkshire Hathaway
Adelson, Sheldon 3 28.0 74 Married Casinos, hotels
Ellison, L.J. 4 26.0 63 Married Oracle
Brin, Sergey 5 18.5 34 Married Google
Page, Larry 5 18.5 34 Single Google
Kerkorian, Kirk 7 18.0 90 Divorced Investments, casinos
Dell, Michael 8 17.2 42 Married Dell
Koch, Charles 9 17.0 71 Married Oil, commodities
Koch, David 9 17.0 67 Married Oil, commodities
  • How many elements are in the above data set?
  • How many variables are in this data set?
  • How many observations are in this data set?
  • Which variables are categorical and which are quantitative?

Question 2

A sample of the ages of 10 employees of a company is shown below.

20 30 40 30 50
30 20 30 20 40

  • Using a method of your choosing, construct a dot plot for the above data.

Question 3

The following data shows the price of PAO, Inc. stock over the last eight months.

Develop a scatter diagram and draw a trend line through the points

.What kind of relationship exists between stock price and time (negative, positive, or no relation)?

Please note there are three questions to this assignment. Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.

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