Topic : Summary Week 4 & 5
Number of Pages : 1
Spacing : double
Type of Paper : Dissertation Chapter – Discussion
Paper Format/Styles : APA
No of References/Sources : 2
Paper Instructions : Week 5
Write approximately 100 words reflecting on your weekly learning including the Credibility, Transferability, Validity, and Reliability sections of Chapter 3. Please keep it to how it can be applied to my dissertation
Week 5 ????
Write approximately 100 words conveying how you will achieve triangulation of your study sources.
Note: This is required for qualitative or mixed-method studies only. If you are conducting a quantitative study, simply post a note stating that triangulation is not required for your quantitative study. Does my dissertations use this methodology? Its quantitative!!
Week 4
Write approximately 100 words explaining how you have ensured that your instrumentation, such as your questionnaire or survey instrument, aligns with your methodology and research questions/hypotheses.