Please DO NOT use outside resources.
Required texts are as follows:
Aberth, John. Plagues in World History. New York, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016 (pb).
McNeil, William. Plagues and Peoples. NY: Anchor Books, 1997 edition (pb)
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Disease in History 12
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Bynum, William. The History of Medicine: A Very Short Introduction. New York, Oxford U. Press, 2008 (pb)..
Complete the reading attached topic 6 transcript and Required Reading: .Aberth-Chaps 3 and 4. McNeill-Chap 6 (264-289). Bynum-Chapters 3-5.
After reading, answer the question below
Disease had a major impact in thwarting Napoleon’s ambitions. Discuss the truth of this statement and include examples to support your argument.