Documented/Argument Essay

The student includes an introduction that clearly states the subject of the essay. The student briefly develops the ideas that will be discussed/explained in the body of the essay through a well-constructed thesis statement.
The student writes three to four body paragraphs. The paragraphs provide details that support the introduction and thesis. The student explains the details clearly and effectively so that the reader can comprehend both the details themselves and how they relate to the main idea. The student includes examples that appeal to the audience through data, individual examples/case studies, personal example or well known authority. Student selects content that demonstrates a broad range of research. And, the student addresses opposing viewpoints effectively either at the beginning of the essay or through a refutation at the end.

The conclusion provides closure to the essay by reiterating the main ideas of the introduction (note: the conclusion does not introduce information that has not previously been addressed).
The student uses precise/sophisticated (where necessary) vocabulary and varied sentence structure to convey the ideas and details of the essay. The student employs a tone that appears persuasive in nature. The student demonstrates the ability to incorporate a variety of writing techniques—transitions; narration, definition or comparison/contrast; several types of evidence and reasons. The student structures the essay in a way that appears organized. The student includes at least 4 quotes with appropriate parenthetical documentation.

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Documented/Argument Essay
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