Economically Disadvantaged/Homeless

Economically Disadvantaged/Homeless

Share information on center for homeless or economically disadvantaged vulnerable populations.

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Economically Disadvantaged/Homeless
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Share where you went and what you found.

Investigation of health concerns for homeless populations. Use the Homeless health fact sheet (in Important Documents) to begin your research. Design an information product for organizations that want to provide health services or preventive health services to homeless populations. You will need to find out why they are considered vulnerable, what major health needs they have, and what resources are already available.

Case StudyComplete the case study, A Downward Spiral: a Case Study in Homelessness

Project Assignment:

Based on the event scenario you selected, and your study of homelessness and economically disadvantaged as vulnerable populations, identify what elements of the event increased their risk, what specific needs they have, what resources can address those needs, and what long term effects the event has on their vulnerability. Propose a solution to assist the homeless and/or economically disadvantaged using currently available or new resources.

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