EGRE 303-lab1

This report should have continuous flow without any breaks or abrupt transitions! Everything included in the report must serve a purpose! The report must reflect specifically what you learned in this lab project. Use sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions. Figures (schematics, simulation screenshots, etc.), tables, and equations (e.g. Fig. 1, Table 1, Eqn. 1) must be consecutively numbered in the order they appear and must be properly cited in the text of the report (e.g. as shown in Fig. 2 …, Table 1 tabulates …, According to Eqn. 3 …). All figures and tables must have captions. References must be provided at the end of the document and all references must be cited properly within the text. (Wikipedia is not acceptable) Failure to satisfy these requirements will result in a lower grade.

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