Essay 1: Sports Science

Essay Prompt:

Is it ethical to use steroids or other stimulating drugs in order to achieve desirable results in sport?

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Essay 1: Sports Science
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(Perhaps focus on the health risks of taking these stimulating drugs or why it’s considered cheating)

The Writing Process:

1. Define the assignment

2. Research—read and ask questions (find answers)

3. Brainstorm—articulate concepts and ideas

4. Outline—organize ideas

5. Write the essay

6. Review, critique, and edit


Using APA style (Owl Purdue and Lynn’s Library Website) write roughly 4 pages (roughly 1250 words) on a

chosen topic. For each prompt you are to develop independent academic research. This NECESSAIRLY

involves utilizing course readings and/or library resources. Each paper must at least have three academic

sources cited and quoted.

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