Essay questions: please choose two of the following to answer. Give as much information on the religions in question as you can (founders, primary beliefs, rituals, ethics, etc.) and also assess what we can learn from points of difference or similarity. The total length for the 2 answer should be around 300-400 words.

Essay questions: please choose two of the following to answer. Give as much information on the religions in question as you can (founders, primary beliefs, rituals, ethics, etc.) and also assess what we can learn from points of difference or similarity. The total length for the 2 answer should be around 300-400 words.

1. In some sense, Christian scripture may be understood as an attempt to “correct” or “complete” Jewish scripture, and Islamic scripture may be understood as an attempt to correct or complete both Jewish and Christian scripture. Please discuss this development in an historical analysis, remembering to include what was considered central in all three religions and in which ways that focus gets changed with each new religion.

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Essay questions: please choose two of the following to answer. Give as much information on the religions in question as you can (founders, primary beliefs, rituals, ethics, etc.) and also assess what we can learn from points of difference or similarity. The total length for the 2 answer should be around 300-400 words.
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2. The city of Jerusalem has played a critical role in all three major monotheisms. Please discuss its place and importance in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and some of the consequences of this centrality.

3. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have all been shaped by violence. Please discuss how each has historically encountered violence (both inflicted on it and with believers as the perpetrators) and how that has made a lasting impact on its worldview

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