Ethics Cases Instructions
You will complete both case 2-55 and 3-53 from your textbook. When completing the case, you must make sure to address all questions thoroughly and use proper grammar.
1. Case 2-55 Cost Information and Ethical Behavior, Service Organization (page 65)
a. Clearly identify the ethical dilemma(s).
b. List all stakeholders (minimum of 3).
c. List all possible courses of action (may use bullets). Include at least three possible courses of action.
d. Thoroughly answer all the required case questions from the textbook.
2. Case 3-53 Suspicious Acquisition of Data, Ethical Issues (page 115)
a. Clearly identify the ethical dilemma(s).
b. List all stakeholders (minimum of 3).
c. List all possible courses of action (may use bullets). Include at least three possible courses of action.
d. Thoroughly answer all of the case questions from the textbook.