Factors affecting the usage of deposit sevices.

TASK: Write the following elements of your final report that include as much as you can of the following:

The background of your topic, showing how and why it is of current interest to your audience (intro)
A thorough summary of the information you’ve gathered on your topic, including the different perspectives and/or options, if appropriate. (You should present each perspective, opinion, or option objectively, without any bias, using attribution and parenthetical citation to identify the sources you rely on for the information you’re summarizing.) (body, or collected data)
Your preliminary analysis/evaluation of the information, opinions, and/or options (conclusion)
One or more visuals to help present some of the information (additional to the visual in your Research Proposal)
An updated, annotated bibliography in MLA style. Following each annotation, provide a single-spaced evaluation using the numerical scale described below, followed by a 1 – 2 sentence explanation of your evaluation.
Use appropriate document design and formatting to make your presentation.

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Factors affecting the usage of deposit sevices.
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Definition, Description, and Background – Much like the Management Report, this section covers the “expanded definition” of your project. Go back to that wheel on page 231.
Purpose and Audience – Who are you writing to? Why are you writing?
Method of Inquiry – In this case, we will be researching, interviewing, and analyzing data.
Limitations of the Study – What could you NOT cover here?
Working Definitions – Any terms that you will be using that will need to be defined here?
Scope – what are the boundaries of the study? In other words, what have you chosen to focus on here?
Conclusion – At this point, this will be a thin section.
Body, or Collected Data

I. First Topic / Side A / Option A

Subtopic 1
Definition – What is the perspective/option and who supports it?
Findings – What have they found/said?
Interpretation of Findings – What can we learn about the topic?
Subtopic 2
Definition – What is the perspective/option and who supports it?
Findings – What have they found/said?
Interpretation of Findings – What can we learn about the topic?
II. Second Topic / Side B / Option B

Subtopic 1
Definition – What is the perspective/option and who supports it?
Findings – What have they found/said?
Interpretation of Findings – What can we learn about the topic?
Subtopic 2
Definition – What is the perspective/option and who supports it?
Findings – What have they found/said?
Interpretation of Findings – What can we learn about the topic?
III. Continue with third, fourth, etc. as needed

Conclusion (This section will be very light and incomplete)

Summary of Findings
Overall Interpretation or Analysis of Findings
Scale for evaluating the sources in your annotated bibliography (you may use pluses and minuses):

3 = highly reliable, useful: information pertinent to the topic, accurate, and up-to-date; the source has professional or academic credentials

2 = fairly reliable, useful: has some pertinent information, though accuracy may need confirmation from other sources and/or may be somewhat dated; credentials of source either unclear or not identified

1 = questionable reliability and little usefulness: little pertinent information; credentials of source can’t be determined

SUBMISSION: Attach this report to a memo of introduction to me in which you explain how your research has been going and what problems you’re having. Submit this assignment through the Assignment Portal by 5 pm on the due date.

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