Final Paper

Final Paper Assignment
A. Topic Selection

You are to research a topic of in the area of personality. There are many potential topics that are presented in the text. However, the paper must go beyond merely what is presented in the text. The paper must cover research that has been presented in a scholarly journal or publication. Websites are not considered scholarly publications. This paper must focus on some aspect of personality.

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B. Length of Paper

Your paper will be a minimum of 6–typed, double-space pages. You are to have 1 inch margins on all sides. Use 12–point font for the typeset. You must also include a bibliography or reference page with your paper. Reference pages and title pages are not included in the page count.

C. References

You must use at least six references, with five being dated within the past 10 years. These references should be journal articles, found through the BVU Library website. Internet website references can be used only as supplementary (i.e., they do not count towards the requirement of six references) and should be reputable (e.g., government websites or professional websites such as the Association for Psychological Science website, rather than blogs, Wikipedia, or websites for which the accuracy of content has not been verified). The textbook can be used as a reference, and can be particularly useful to cite for defining personality concepts relevant to your topic, but does not count towards the requirement of six publications.

D. Citing Sources

If you take information from another source (the textbook, a scholarly journal article, an encyclopedia, a website, etc.) you must give the authors proper credit for using their ideas and writing. This means that you need to cite the source (in APA format, using both in-text citations as well as a reference list) even if you do not use the exact words used in the article. Any information that is not your own thought should be cited. Note that if you do use direct quotations, you must also give the author credit for using their words – by using quotation marks in addition to appropriate citations. Please also note that you should not rely heavily on verbatim text in the final paper – quotations are fine to supplement the material you are presenting, but should complement your own paraphrasing.

Plagiarism is the intentional presentation of another person’s works as though it were you own. Acts of plagiarism are considered a violation of ethical standards of behavior. Plagiarized papers will receive a score of zero. You must give credit to authors of all the material you use in your paper. You can do this through the use of citations or quotations. There are a number of examples throughout your text on how to properly document the sources you use to write your paper. Failure to properly cite your sources will have a severe impact on your paper score.

All papers will be submitted to a plagiarism detection source. Those papers which have been plagiarized will receive a score of zero.

E. General Comments

Please proof read your papers before you turn them in. You paper will be evaluated on your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Remember, spell checkers do not check for proper word usage. They only check for spelling errors.

F. General Format for the Paper
Identify topic
State why you chose the particular topic
Define the topic
This description must be comprehensive and must give enough detail that the reader can get a true understanding of the definition.
Discuss how your topic and research relates to personality theories or approaches
Discuss which constructs of personality to which the research is related, and explain the relationship specifically
For each article that you choose to use in the paper:
Discuss what the major objectives are surrounding the research.
Discuss specifically how the research pertains to personality. In other words, indicate whether the research is an application of a theory such as in counseling, an assessment of a theory as in personality testing, or whether the research is an extension of theory such as theory building, etc.
Summarize the types of procedures used to conduct the research.
Summarize the types of statistical procedures used to analyze the data collected in the research
Describe the findings of the research
Discuss how the research contributes to existing knowledge
Summarize the overall research findings
Discuss the major findings across the body of research
Discuss the overarching conclusions drawn by the researchers
Summarize what you have gained from your research
Discuss how the research supplemented the material presented in the course
State the specific concepts and ideas from the text that the research supplemented
Other general ideas, opinions, observations, that you may have

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