for this discussion, think of an app that would apply to Infant Development. It could be a game, a self-help app, a parenting resource app, etc. For your discussion thread:

for this discussion, think of an app that would apply to Infant Development. It could be a game, a self-help app, a parenting resource app, etc. For your discussion thread:

  • Describe your app. What is the purpose? How does it work?
  • Identify the target audience for your app (i.e., who you would want to buy/download it).
  • Discuss key developmental markers or characteristics for that age group (include textbook citations).
  • Discuss the key developmental period or elements that this app will address, using citations from your textbook to support the need for your app.

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for this discussion, think of an app that would apply to Infant Development. It could be a game, a self-help app, a parenting resource app, etc. For your discussion thread:
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