GEB 3213 Discussion Question wk 2

Total Length: 300 words

The purpose of this discussion is to better understand the role that personality and EI can play in effective and not-so-effective communications. Share a link to a video or article that you feel is relevant to the influence of personality and EI on the communication process in the workplace. Especially focus on how to communicate with people who have a personality differences or on how these differences can create conflict and misunderstandings. Make sure that your source is “authoritative,” meaning it was developed by experts and contains research related to the topic. The best place to look is in the SPC online library’s databases. If you have trouble searching, use the online librarian feature to get help with your search. Once you’ve posted the link, explain why you chose the video or article and give a brief summary of the key points that you found meaningful. Be sure to properly cite your source and then place the reference at the end of your post, using APA format for both.

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