Geography assignment

The report is due on the day of the 3rd quiz and requires you to find and use 2 peer reviewed academic journal research articles. Both articles must relate to the same topic in the text from something from Chapters 8-12.Written Reports Format (500 words min – 650 words max). Use the bold headings below in your report Written Report Article #1Title: title of the article. Source: name of the journal, author, date, pages, volume, & number. (Must be a peer reviewed research article.) (do not use articles less than 7 pages)Article #2Title: title of the article.Source: name of the journal, author, date, pages, volume & number. (Should be a peer reviewed research article.) (do not use articles less than 7 pages)Summary: Brief summary of the articles you have read. Summarize together as 1, not individual/separate summaries.Relation to Text: Discuss the research articles as they relate to the text and what you have learned in class. You must give a specific reference to the text book (including chapter and page). This should be the longest part of the written report (i.e. longer than your summary.)Word Count: Start to finish! Must be at least 500 words.Guidelines/Format*Use the bold underlined headings above.*Reports must be a min of 500 words (start to finish). 15 pts deduction for reports submitted less than 500 words.*Articles used must be from peer reviewed science journals. If you are unsure as to what qualifies as an acceptable research article ask for help.*All articles should have an author (i.e. not an agency but a real human being.) *Do Not use Wikipedia, blogs, magazines, newspapers or encyclopedias.If you have any additional questions regarding the report please ask for help. I will post a helpful guide to Peer Reviewed Academic Journals and make available past reports available for you on CANVAS.

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