GPP Written Assignment

Answer the following questions. Each of your answers should be an essay of 250 words (with a typical font and spacing this will be about 1 pages each ).

1. You are player 2 in the Ultimatum Game. Player 1 has offered you $10. Does it make a difference to you if player 1 is dividing $12, $20, or $100? Why? Does it make a difference to you if player 1 is offering his own money, dividing money that he won in a previous game, or dividing money given to him for division? Why? Does it make a difference if player 1 is an individual, an organization, or a computer? Why?

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2.Discuss any “tragedy of the commons” example not already discussed in the lectures or texts, analyzing the elements involved using game theory.

3.We saw in our hawk/dove game that a polymorphic ESS exists with a population of 70 percent hawks and 30 percent doves. But we could consider a mutant phenotype in this game that acts as a hawk 70 percent of the time and a dove 30 percent of the time. Show that this phenotype is a monomorphic ESS—it cannot be successfully invaded by either hawks or doves.

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