Students should choose carefully, however. If they do not meet the requirements of their chosen group, they will receive ZERO points. For example, a student chooses to post in Group 1. Per the requirement of that option, the student makes one post on the second day of discussion. The student, however, miscalculates her obligations and is only able to make one additional post. She, then, did not complete the requirement of four posts for Group 1. As such, she will receive zero points. Moreover, even if students do more work than required, they cannot receive more points than their chosen group. For example, a student chooses Group 4, but he is ultimately able to post four times—the requirement for Group 3. Nevertheless, he cannot receive additional points; he will earn the points for Group 4.
Group 3 – grp_1681031_3
Option 3: First post on or after Thurs, Sept 3, at least four posts