Group Oral presentation
Assessment instructions:
You need to make a presentation using a maximumof 20 slides and follow exactly the same structure as in the written assignment. The purpose is to present the case study of the chosen shipping company.
Special Instructions:
- In case a student fails to pass the assignment, in the resit period they should choose another company and follow the exact same steps outlined in this document for the main sheet.
- Exactly the same members of students as in the written assignment
- Students will be assessed as a groupand they have to submit a form with their individual contribution on the report (see below)
- Any written material which does not fulfil above criteria will be rejected in assignment marking process.
- PowerPointslidesmustbeuploadedontheiLEarn prior to the presentation date.
- A list of references is also required.
- Donotforgettowriteallnecessarydetails (e.g. your code number) on the cover page.
- Studytherelevantclassnotesandread carefully theassessmentcriteriabelow forthisassignment.
- Available time for each presentation: 20minutes
Assessed Learning Outcomes (please see also page 1 of the module record):
- Critically apply TQM and TPM (I/A) in shipping companies.
- Evaluate and critically analyseTQM practices and the relationship between TQM and performance in shipping.
- Critically analyse the future of quality management. Is TPM the future?
Marking Scheme:
A (80-100%):Excellent design and structure of the presentation; excellent analysis of the topic and its parameters; excellent use of voice and pace; excellent use of body posture and language; full eye contact with the audience. The PowerPoint slides have the appropriate format and appearance and include only what is necessary. There are no language errors; the presentation is within the time limit. At the end, the student answers questions with confidence. As regards teamwork, all members are introduced, and the team cooperates perfectly well attracting the attention of the audience. It is obvious that the team has worked appropriately for the presentation.
A (70-80%): very good design and clear structure with few errors; very good analysis of the topic and its parameters; very good use of voice and pace; very good use of body posture and language; full eye contact with the audience: the presenter looks only a few times at his/ her notes. The PowerPoint slides have the appropriate format and appearance and include only a few unnecessary details. There are not any important language errors. The presentation is within the time limit. At the end, the student answers questions with confidence. As regards teamwork, all members are introduced, and the team cooperates well attracting the attention of the audience. It is obvious that the team has cooperated appropriately for the presentation.
B (60-69%): Good design and clear structure but with some omissions; good analysis of the topic and its parameters; good use of voice and pace; good use of body posture and language; the presenter establishes eye contact with the audience but tends to look at his/ her notes more than s/he should. The PowerPoint slides have the appropriate format and appearance but include some unnecessary details. There are some language errors. The presentation is within the time limit. At the end, the student answers to the questions of the audience correctly but not confidently. As regards teamwork, all members are introduced despite some errors, and the team cooperates satisfactorily attracting the attention of the audience. The team did not cooperate that effectively for the presentation.
C (50-59%):There are errors and omissions in thedesign and structure of the presentation; the analysis of the topic and its parameters is satisfactory despite vagueness and errors; satisfactory use of voice and pace; satisfactory use of body posture and language; the presenter establishes some eye contact with the audience but tends to look at his/ her notes more than s/he should. The PowerPoint slides have a satisfactory format and appearance but present many unnecessary details. There are some language errors. The presentation is within the time limit. At the end, the student answers to the questions of the audience correctly but hesitates. As regards teamwork, there are some errors in the coordination of the team but the members seem to have cooperated to some extent.
D (40-49%):The design and structure of the presentation are insufficient; the analysis of the topic and its parameters are insufficient because of vagueness and errors; insufficient use of voice and pace; insufficient use of body posture and language; the presenter does not establish eye contact with the audience and reads from his/ her notes. The PowerPoint slides have a problematic format and appearance with language errors and many unnecessary details. The presentation is below the required time limit. At the end, the student does not reply suitably to the questions of the audience. As regards teamwork, there are important errors in the coordination of the team which makes it obvious that the members did not cooperate appropriately.
F (0-39%):The design and structure of the presentation are insufficient; the analysis of the topic and its parameters are not good because of vagueness and important errors; the voice and pace of the speaker make it difficult for the audience to follow him/her; insufficient use of body posture and language; the presenter does not establish eye contact with the audience and reads from his/ her notes. The PowerPoint slides have a problematic format and appearance with many language errors and many unnecessary details. The presentation is below the required time limit. At the end, the student does not reply suitably to the questions of the audience. As regards teamwork, there are important errors in the coordination of the team which makes it obvious that the members did not cooperate
Academic Department
Shipping, Transport and Logistics Department |
Programme: | BSc Shipping |
Module Title/Code: | Strategic Shipping Management / GBCA348 |
1st marker: | Dr. A. Karlis |
Assessment Type: | Group oral presentation
Assessment Weighting: | 30% |
Academic Year: | 2020-2021 |
Teaching Semester: | Autumn |
Student ID: |
Evaluation Form
Comments | Final Mark | ||
Content and structure of the presentation | 30% | ||
Slides layout and appearance | 30% | ||
Students’ presentation skills and answers to questions of the audience (individual mark)
Ø Fluency Ø Quality of voice Ø Appropriate pace Ø Eye contact Ø Appropriate body language Ø Appropriate and accurate grammar and vocabulary Ø Handled confidently audience’s questions |
30% | ||
Participation of all members of the group
Ø Evidence of rehearsal Ø Contribution of all members Ø No or little overlap among members |
10% |
Shipping, Transport and Logistics Department |
Programme | BSc Shipping |
Module Title / Code | Strategic Shipping Management / GBCA348 |
Group Participation Official Statement | |
The members of the set group declare as we have all equally participated in the effective and efficient process of completing and submitting the set group assignment.
Group members: Members Signature
Group Members Participation Members Signature
3. …………………… 4. ……………………
2. ……………………………… 1. …………………….. 3. …………………….. 4. ……………………..
3. ………………………………. 1. ……………………… 2. ……………………… 4. ……………………… Date: ……………………………… PS: Students are informed that, they need to sign the participation statement not only to support their own contribution but declare and justify the equal participation of all members of the group. In addition students are informed that if there is no signature for a member, then as a result the specific group member will NOT receive a group mark!