Having a “sense of self” is very important; without it, it can lead to a whole host of issues later in life. A good sense of self includes nondependent happiness from others if they are happy or not; individual thoughts and feelings can be expressed and not be dependent on others or be susceptible to the negative group mentality. Having healthy boundaries are important so as not to be taken advantage of by others are all positive outcomes of having a good sense of self.
Practicing Autonomy at a young age is the best way to learn about oneself and others. And learning to say “No” is the most basic way of expressing oneself. Though it can be frustrating at times, especially when one is in a hurry and does not have time to negotiate “choices”. We all have to pick our battles.
Every family is different and whether they favor independence or interdependence. I feel having a strict one-sided view, or practice is not beneficial in the long run. In life, we all have met people that may be too independent and are not willing to take help, and on the flip side, some people find life hard and stressful because they rely or expect too much of others. Having a healthy balance of both is ideal in my opinion.
After reading the material on this subject, what are your thoughts and opinions? Do you have any “autonomous-seeking” youngsters in your life? Post your own opinion and thoughts