In a 3-4-page paper, explore Affirmative Action as it relates to race and employment or college admissions. Review an organization you are familiar with (it can be your former high school, CSU-Global, or another college/university, your current employer, or an organization you would like to work for one day) and assess how well they adhere to Affirmative Action policies.

In a 3-4-page paper, explore Affirmative Action as it relates to race and employment or college admissions. Review an organization you are familiar with (it can be your former high school, CSU-Global, or another college/university, your current employer, or an organization you would like to work for one day) and assess how well they adhere to Affirmative Action policies.

In your paper, provide an analysis of the debates around Affirmative Action as outlined in your reading as well as in the NCSL (Links to an external site.) website. Do you see these debates reflected in the organization you chose to analyze? As a tip, every organization should have a “statement of Affirmative Action” that is publicly posted on their website. Review the organization’s policy and discuss how well the organization adheres to the policies. Are there areas that come up in your review that indicate issues? What are they?

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In a 3-4-page paper, explore Affirmative Action as it relates to race and employment or college admissions. Review an organization you are familiar with (it can be your former high school, CSU-Global, or another college/university, your current employer, or an organization you would like to work for one day) and assess how well they adhere to Affirmative Action policies.
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  • Although Affirmative Action also impacts women workers, college athletes, and members of other groups, for this assignment, we will only focus on marginalized people of color. If you decide to review a college or university, be sure to consider their admissions policies. This is where you will see whether Affirmative Action policies are followed.
  • The trick in this assignment is to not choose a side—this is not about your opinion (editorial), rather about your ability to research and understand a policy and how well an organization follows that policy (analysis). If you are at a loss on an organization to choose, you can simply do an Internet search with the words “Affirmative Action and Employment policies” and a number of options will come up for you.
  • It may be helpful to review Affirmative Action policies regarding education and employment and complete the readings for this week before completing the assignment (Chapter 10.6: “Race & Ethnicity in the 21st Century”).


  • Write a 3-4-page paper or about 1500 words, not including the title and reference pages, which are required.

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