INFO 564 Homework Assignment

INFO 564 Homework Assignment-1

Question 1 (40 points)

Consider the following serial process that produces shirts.  All steps (A, B, C, D, and E) are necessary to create each finished shirt.  Each step employs a single worker.  Task times are shown on each step.


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Note: A and B are done simultaneously. The front and back portion of the shirt arrive at A and B respectively.  After preparation they are assembled in C before going on to D and E.  Times shown at each station are per unit.

(8 pts each)

  1. What is the throughput time of the very first unit?
  2. What is the bottleneck operation?
  3. What is the cycle time achieved by this process?
  4. Working eight hours a day what is the daily capacity of the process?
  5. What is the capacity utilization of each operation in the above process?
  6. What is the average capacity utilization of the above process?


Question 2 (40 pts)

For this question consider hiring another worker and duplicating Operation C as shown in the diagram below. The two workers work on successive products; they don’t work on the same product at the same time. The product still requires the five Steps (A, B, C, D, E).












(8 pts each)

  1. What is the throughput time of the very first unit?
  2. Where is the bottleneck now?
  3. What is the cycle time?
  4. Working 8 hours a day, what is the daily capacity of the process?
  5. What is the amount of time needed to make one unit? (Imagine one person doing all of the above operations).
  6. What is the capacity utilization of each of the 6 people in the above process?
  7. What is the overall capacity utilization of the above process?


Question 3 (20 pts)

Consider the process shown in Question 1.  A proposal has been made to combine the two operations A and B.  In other words, the two workers currently working on A and B separately, will now each do both A and B before passing the unit on to the next station (C).  This involves an additional minute switching from A to B, so the time needed to do both A and B becomes 5 minutes.

  1. What is the bottleneck of this process?
  2. What is the cycle time now?
  3. Wht is the capacity in an 8-hour day?
  4. Would you recommend this proposal? Why or why not?




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