QUESTION: In one comprehensive 6-8 page essay with an intro, thesis statement, body and conclusion, present a research paper on the following:
Discuss Japan and its intelligence organization’s relevance to US national security, either in maintaining it or threatening it. This assignment is specifically about the intelligence organization, not the state’s military, although that may be a discussion point. I know your first inclination might be to jump to the UK, but I encourage you to expand your horizons with this assignment. Remember to make an argument that you outline in your thesis statement. “Country X’s intel organization is a threat (or benefit) to US national security because of x, y and z.”
Grading will be based on the attached rubric. Make sure you follow AMU’s writing policies and the Chicago writing style guide (cover page, page numbering, double space, headings/subheadings, etc). The use of required texts and readings from this course is mandatory, but you may supplement with additional academic (credible) sources. YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES AND INCLUDE A BIBLIOGRAPHY in THE CHICOAGO MAUNAL OF STYLE FORMAT. Saying “I didn’t know” is not acceptable.
General Requirements
1. Document Format.
a. MS Word document
b. One-inch (1”) margins
c. Times New Roman font
d. Twelve (12) pitch
e. Not including your title page and bibliography, this assignment should be 6-8 pages.
f. You must use 5 scholarly sources. If you do not know what scholarly means, go to The APUS Library
2. Citation Format: CMS. As stated in the Academic Integrity Briefings, information taken directly from another source must be placed in quotations and cited following the Chicago format contained in the week one “lessons” folder. You must cite all other information from your sources, even if you do not quote directly. DIRECT QUOTING SHOULD BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM.