International health

This is the fourth part of the six-part project outlined in the syllabus. Part 1 reported on the health indicators for the country that was selected. Part 2 described the demographic and development situations in the country. Part 3 was about health care provision. Part 4 examines the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and current situation in your country. After describing the timing and intensity of COVID-19 in your country, compare it to the regional and international situation. What control measures were used in your country to limit spread of the SARS-CoV-2 spread? What aspects of the site and situation of your country may have ameliorated or exacerbated virus spread and COVID-19 burden? What do experts see as the likely COVID-19 outcomes in the near future? If possible make your own predictions about how the epidemic will continue over the coming months. There is no example for this part because you have become a competent researcher. Also, the COVID-19 situation and available information will vary considerably by country. The assignment text should be approximately two pages in length. The source of all information that is not general knowledge should be included in a references section and properly cited (It is good to use a citation manager like EndNote). There are several COVID-19 dashboards that may be a useful place to start putting the epidemic in context (,,, WHO also publishes regular situation reports with regional updates and country specific issues: Of course, data sources and dashboards by local agencies and organizations may provide better country-specific information. Do not cite Wikipedia or data aggregator websites. For example, most lists of life expectancy by country found with a simple web search are based on data from the CIA’s World Factbook. You should get the information from the CIA Factbook and properly reference the data. If you can’t find a credible data source for a piece of information then you should not include it in your report.

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International health
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