Into the woods Play response.
Watch the play by Stephen Sondheim and read the play review by Tom Williams.
Answer the following 4 questions each questions response should be 1 page long
QUESTION 1: Describe the DRAMATIC STRUCTURE of this play using the recorded performance of this play
What is the GENRE of this play? Explain using specific information from the play. ACT III: READING 2. “Genre” pp. 153-168.
Describe the EXPOSITION. How does takes place – scenes, dialogue, narration, etc. Which characters are involved. (Screenshot required from this scene.)
Describe the RISING ACTION. Identify the scene(s) and describe the interaction of the characters. (Screenshot required from this scene.)
Describe the CLIMAX. What happens? Which characters are present. Why is this the climax? What elements are present that brings on this culminating high point? (Screenshot required from
this scene.)
Describe the FALLING ACTION. What leads to the resolution? What characters are involved? (Screenshot required from this scene.)
QUESTION 2. Theme & Meaning: What is the theme of this play (main idea)?)
How does the theme and meaning of the play relate to and express current culture and values of society?
Identify this form of drama (for example: comedy, tragedy, Shakespeare, musical, storytelling?)
Explain how these characters in the play and the form of drama is relevant to American Culture today.
In this essay, you will fully illustrate the definition of terms used by applying the term and identifying examples from the performance within the context of your essay
QUESTION 3. Design: Overall, were the elements of the play unified and seem to fit together seamlessly?
How was this reflected in the visual elements (the scenery, props, costumes, lighting, etc.)?
Select ONLY ONE of the following design areas (either scenic, lighting, or costumes).
A. SCENERY – Describe style of scenery – realistic(real house/space) or non-realistic (abstract forms on bare stage)?
Scenery Sub-questions:
Was the setting a specific place, or was it recognizable or a real locale?
Did this choice seem appropriate for the play?
Discuss the effectiveness of the set (scenery or pieces of scenery which stand independently in a scene) and the props (properties; objects that are used by performers onstage or are necessary to complete a set – usually props will be carried and used by an actor onstage.)
What sort of atmosphere did the set suggest?
How was this atmosphere created?
How was color used in the set?
Did it suggest mood or place?
B. COSTUMES – Were the characters’ costumes appropriate for the style (realistic or non-realistic) of the play?
Costume Sub-questions:
How did the costumes help you identify a character’s personality, social status, occupation, etc.?
Did the costume help establish who these characters were?
How was color used?
Did the costumes support the actor’s work (i.e. movement, walk, posture, etc.) ?
In this essay, you will fully illustrate the definition of terms used by applying the term and identifying examples from the performance within the context of your essay. UNDERLINE all terms used. You must use MORE THAN 5 TERMS from ACT VII: TERMS “Backstage”
C. LIGHTING – Describe the mood of the lighting.
Lighting Sub-questions:
How was color and intensity (how bright or how dim the lights are set) used to affect mood?
What other characteristics of light were used to affect mood?
Was the lighting appropriate for the style (realistic or non-realistic) of the piece?
Was it appropriate for each scene? Why or why not?
In this essay, you will fully illustrate the definition of terms used by applying the term and identifying examples from the performance within the context of your essay. UNDERLINE all terms used. You must use MORE THAN 5 TERMS from ACT VII: TERMS “Backstage”
QUESTION 4: Acting: Were the performers believable, given the requirements of the play?
If so, how did they seem to accomplish this? If not, what occurred to impair or destroy believe-ability? (As you discuss this, be sure to separate the performer from the characters. For example, you can dislike a character but admire the performance.)
Did the technical abilities of the performers support their work? [i.e. vocal traits like loudness and articulation; physical traits like appropriate movement and natural gesturing: believe-ability of specific actions (as opposed to general) and relationship to other characters] How so or how not?
Compare and contrast more than one character
In this essay, you will fully illustrate the definition of terms used by applying the term and identifying examples from the performance within the context of your essay. UNDERLINE all terms used