
discuss the extent of the problem(s): its severity, its effects, etc.
discuss the history (e.g. growth) of the city that has led to the severity of the waste problem(s)
discuss the ways in which government officials are trying to deal with the waste problem(s)
discuss the ways (if any) individuals are trying to deal with the waste problem(s)
discuss the obstacles in the way of successfully dealing with the waste problem(s). For example, are the incentives to change stronger than letting the waste conditions continue? Who benefits or at least isn’t harmed by the waste problem(s)? In other words, follow the money? Who profits from so much waste?
discuss how the waste problems of cities and countries are not isolated but related to the lifestyles and actions of other people in other cities and countries.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/23/world/middleeast/trash-lebanon-beach.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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