Linux Lab (Basics) ITEC 345

1. In a web browser navigate to (online Linux emulator). Once the emulator load the last displayed line on the screen should have only the system prompt. What is it?


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2. Use the ‘ls’ command to find out what is in your directory. There shouldn’t be any files the first time you log in. Next, try the ‘ls -a’ command to see the “hidden” files as well. What files do you see that begin with a dot ‘.’ character?





3. The ‘whoami’ command usually tells you who else is logged into the system. What users are you logged in as?




4. The ‘ps’ command lists your own processes and includes your terminal line designation. What are the first 5 PIDs, Users and Command ?






5. Display the date and time with the ‘date’ command. What option do you need to change the output to only display the year, month and day?

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