Review the literature on Coronavirus and SARS-COV-2
General introduction
a) Describe the typical (Respiratory) and atypical symptoms of the syndrome COVID-19
b) Describe the proposed origin of the SARS-COV-2
c) Describe the general structure of coronaviruses and SARS-COV-2 (Spike protein S, Nucleocapsid protein N, Membrane protein M, Envelop protein E, RNA as the viral genome)
d) Describe the way how SARS-COV-2 invades the host cells and replicates inside of the host cell.
e) Describe what is known about ACE 2 receptor function: how it is involved in regulation of the blood pressure and the probable mechanisms of pathogenesis of COVID-19 via disruption of ACE-2 receptors.
f) Illustrate your introduction with figures from review papers (do not forget to state references)
g) Describe anything else you find interesting about SARS-COV-2
1. At the conclusion of the introduction discribe the goal of your research paper such as to compare S, M, N proteins and genomic RNA of chosen coronaviruses between themselves and with SARS-COV-2 from pangolin.
2. Results
Analysis of the SARS-COV-2 virus using CLC Main Workbench program.
Results are presented in the form of Figures with Legends (description of the figure): (Missing legends will take 20% of each figure points).
1. Figure 1 of the alignment of SARS-COV-2 RNA sequences (DNA letters) for two different regions (it is up to you what accession numbers you pick, just make sure that they are coming from different countries or US regions (West Coast vs East Coast) or the same region at the different time (at the beginning of pandemic and now, November 2020) and have at least two nucleotide differences between them . Make sure you show the segment where, at least, one difference is visible).
2. A Figure 2 The alignment of their Spike (S) protein. If there are differences in Spike Proteins sequences, point them out.
3. A Figure 3 The alignment of their M proteins. If there are differences in sequences, point them out.
4. A Figure 4 The alignment of their N protein structures. If there are differences in sequences, point them out.
5. A Figure 5 The alignment of their E protein structures. If there are differences in sequences, point them out.
6. A figure 6 Alignment of SARS-COV-2 virus Spike Protein with PANGOLINE corona viruses Spike protein (Pangolin coronavirus sequence accession number will be given to you)
3. Discussion and General Conclusion
a) Discuss the found mutations based on your analysis. Predict based on the function of the analyzed protein what function of the virus will be affected/nonaffected, based on analysis of S, M, E or N protein sequences.
b) Discuss your findings of the comparison of S protein of SARS-COV-2 and pangolin.
c) Discuss what is known about the origin of SARS-COV-2. Discuss the level of mutations and the prognosis for efficacy of vaccines generated against S proteins
d) General conclusion.
Discussion part should be at least 2 pages.
4. REFERENCES. No references from internet are accepted, only peer-reviewed articles from PubMed can be cited. At least 5 references! Use EndNote if you can .