Topic II: Data analysis task: Living conditions
This topic is to demonstrate your ability to conduct and explain a real-world analysis. Questions are left vague on purpose; there is no one right answer.
Data was collected to investigate aspects of living conditions for several countries. (Vasilescu and Wainer, 2005). The dataset is provided in crowdedness.csv. It contains the following columns:
1. Country: The country name
2. Crowdedness: The average number of persons per room living in homes
3. fertility: The fertility rate (live births born per woman of a certain age per year) 4. GDP: Gross domestic product, indicating the wealth of the nation
Please perform the following tasks in your report:
- We note that there are missing values in Crowdedness. Using a smoothing method, provide an estimate for the missing values using GDP as your predictor.
- Analyze fertility and the relationship between GDP and fertility. Do not use a smoothing method for this task. You may remove the observations where fertility is missing.
Suggestions: Consider the effect of smoothing parameters. Consider the implications and limitations of your analysis.