Living conditions

Topic II: Data analysis task: Living conditions

This topic is to demonstrate your ability to conduct and explain a real-world analysis. Questions are left vague on purpose; there is no one right answer.

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Living conditions
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Data was collected to investigate aspects of living conditions for several countries. (Vasilescu and Wainer, 2005). The dataset is provided in crowdedness.csv. It contains the following columns:

1. Country: The country name
2. Crowdedness: The average number of persons per room living in homes
3. fertility: The fertility rate (live births born per woman of a certain age per year) 4. GDP: Gross domestic product, indicating the wealth of the nation

Please perform the following tasks in your report:

  1. We note that there are missing values in Crowdedness. Using a smoothing method, provide an estimate for the missing values using GDP as your predictor.
  2. Analyze fertility and the relationship between GDP and fertility. Do not use a smoothing method for this task. You may remove the observations where fertility is missing.

Suggestions: Consider the effect of smoothing parameters. Consider the implications and limitations of your analysis.

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