Marketing simulation

Marketing simulation


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Marketing simulation
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Please note that you can access the material needed to complete this written assignment by clicking on the Marketing Simulation – Tutorial assignment in Canvas, which should take you into CONNECT.  There, you should be able to click on VIEW ATTEMPT for that assignment.  Then, click on REVIEW ATTEMPT and that should take you back into your completed simulation.



After completing the 9 turns in the Tutorial. you will want to click on the LEADERBOARD button on the bottom right hand side of the simulation.  A pop- up screen will be visible and on that screen, click on the CUMULATIVE tab and answer the following:

  1. What is your account balance and how did your account balance end up compared to your competitors?
  2. What is your market share and how did your market share end up compared to your competitors?
  3. What is your customer satisfaction % and how did your customer satisfaction end up compared to your competitors?
  4. Using the information from the leaderboard and the Market Research area, what did you do better than your competition throughout the tutorial? Please explain why you answered this way.
  5. Again using the information from the leaderboard and the Market Research area, where did your competitors do better than you? Please explain why you answered that way.



Next you will need to look at some key results and performance indicators.  You will want to click on the REPORTS button on the bottom right hand side of the simulation and a new screen with tabs will appear – each with a lot of important information to review:  To help you better understand and interpret the information in these reports, please review the MKTG 1010 Simulation Help Video at the bottom of this page and/or these tutorial tips and resources.

  1. Did anyone else target the same segment as you? If so, did they make more money than you? To determine this, click on the CASH FLOWS tab, click turn 9 and look at “Final Balance.”
  2. In the KPI tab, look at the first 6 measures (characteristics score, features score, average appeal score, price score, message score and interest level – there include the measurements used to determine your Customer Satisfaction Score, which is what determines your overall grade in the simulation) and answer the following:
    • On which scores did you perform better than your competitors?
    • On which scores did competitors perform better than you?
    • Using the information from the simulation, please analyze these results and try to determine why you received these results.  Be sure to use the video and tips referenced above for further explanation.



Your “Final” in this class will be an 8 Turn Simulation which will be run just like the Marketing Simulation – Tutorial assignment… however, you will have to make ALL of your initial strategic decisions (target market, product, price, placement/distribution in retailers and promotion) in one turn before ending the turn.  Once you have ended your turn, you will review results, analyze your competition, make strategic changes and end the turn 7 more times, giving you 8 turns (or quarters) worth of sales data.

***Please note that the Marketing Simulation – Final assignment will open for you once you submit this Tutorial Analysis Assignment.

Focusing on the crucial marketing decisions that you will have to make in the first turn of the Marketing Simulation – Final assignment in Connect – and drawing on what you learned in the Mini-Sims throughout the semester and the Marketing Simulation – Tutorial assignment – please answer the following about your strategic marketing plan for that assignment:

  1. Who do you intend to choose as your target market in Turn 1 of the Marketing Simulation – Final assignment?  Why?  Remember that your decisions should be based on data – things like market size, market growth, average price paid compared to cost to product a good product, etc.
  2. What do you think is a “good” amount to spend in advertising in Turn 1?  Remember that while you have $10,000 in the bank to start, that’s not your advertising budget.  As mentioned above, think about your average margin, sales potential, etc.
  3. What other elements of the 4 Ps do you need to worry about and pay attention to in Turn 1?  Why?




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