The number of pages requirement is 7_9 double-spaced pages. The title page, abstract page, and table of contents page do not count towards the 7 pages requirements.
Please follow instructions, Tittle, abstract, table of content,introduction, body(other details) ,conclusion and references.
Topic is :
The Past, Present, and Future of the Electoral College :Starting with the Constitutional Convention of 1776 and ending with Trump-Clinton presidentialelection of 2016, give a historical and political analysis of the Electoral College. You shouldaddress some or all of the following issues: How did the Electoral College get started? Whydid some of the Founding Fathers want it? How did it evolve? What has been its impact overthe years in affecting presidential elections? (Pay particular attention to the 2000 and 2016presidential elections.) What does the future hold for the Electoral College? What are theprospects that it will be reformed or eliminated?