Discussion 7: Social and Emotional Learning
(1) What is social emotional learning? (2) Why does the article say it is so important? (3) Lets imagine that you were put in charger of creating a SEL program in an elementary school where bullying is a common problem. Based on your chapter and the article (again, no personal antidotes), what would you do? More specifically, what roles would teachers have? Administrators? And what types of things would students participate in or be engaged in? Why would this program be successful at enhancing social and emotional learning, and also minimizing bullying?
When you respond to your peers critique their plan. Remember, critique does not mean to criticize – it means to break down, to analyze. So what are some strengths? And what are some additions that could be added to their plan? Remember to be respectful, and all responses should be based in content (chapter, article).
Also remember to keep the discussion requirements in mind – at least 300-400 words for your original response, and at least 200-300 word response to each peer.
Welcome to topic 7!
Welcome to topic 7! This topic we will be covering Middle Childhood. Typically this refers to children between the age of 7-12. As with previous topics we’ll focus on cognitive development, physical development and social/emotional development.
Middle Childhood
During the first topic of the course I asked you all to pick a favorite time of development. Many of you said early adulthood (25-30), but many of you also picked an age that fit into middle childhood – 10, 11, 12. There is a reason for this! Around this age children tend to feel as though they have more responsibility. And they do! Cognitively, they are more mature and can understand boundaries, safe choices, and make responsible decisions (when given limits!). But, this is also a time where children are not embarking on too much responsibility, something that sometimes comes along with adolescence. So, this can be a pretty ideal time of development! Lets find out more about why that is…
First, review the slides here:
Middle Childhood Slides
Middle Childhood Slides – Alternative Formats
Next you are going to read an article on Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Social emotional learning has to do with enhancing relationships with peers and teachers (in the school setting), which has shown to be lacking. Enhancing these skills lead to a variety of positive outcomes such as academic achievement, motivation in school, high quality friendships and greater ability to recognize emotions in others. Read this article and think about what Social Emotional Learning looks like in schools, specifically, what types of components might be present in a program implemented in a classroom or school setting.
Social Awareness + Emotional Skills = Successful Kids
I will upload the article above
No one has posted yet. As soon as the peer response (1) and peer response (2) becomes available, I will post them here.
Topic 7 Original Discussion Response: 11/17 Topic 7 Peer Responses (2): 11/18